Simply by pasting a few lines of code you can in a matter of seconds transform any of your LotusScript and Java agents into powerful collaboration tool which you can use in your Domino applications to enhance workflow and automate sending of messages and notifications.
Choose one of these pricing models:
If you use STAgent in background Domino tasks, for example scheduled agents, then pricing is based on number of databases in which you use the tool.
If you use STAgent in stand-alone applications, for example command-line programs, then pricing is based on number of applications in which you use the tool.
If you use STAgent in your Websphere/Tomcat servlets (JSP, portlets), pricing is based on number of servlet instances in which you use the software.
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Using in Domino agents
and stand-alone applications:
Applications |
Price USD |
Buy |
1 |
3 |
$120 /app |
5 |
$110 /app
10 |
$100 /app
Using in servlets, portlets and JSP pages:
Servers |
Price USD |
Buy |
Price per server
$1390 |